John Ermen Continues with Reds Racing!

We are very happy to announce that John Ermen has decided to re-sign his contract with #RedsRacing for the 2022/2023 racing season. Ermen has been racing with REDS for many years now, being one of our most loyal drivers, and we are really satisfied with the results we have achieved together. We are really proud of having such a professional driver in our team!
John had this to say:
I've been involved in racing for a long time and the past 8 years I've been part of the REDS on road factory team. Together with the Rossi family we developed the onroad range of the nitro engines. I would like to thank them for all the support thus far.
With some exciting news coming in the very near future, I'm happy to announce I will stay with REDS and the Rossi family for at least another 2 years!
I'm stoked! Let's bring it on!